Posts tagged friends

A Prayer for Karen

Praying HandsIn the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Dearest Lord,  I received some news today about a friend of mine and had a difficult time accepting her condition.  My God, I truly believe that strength comes from our ability to face difficulty, and yet I am so saddened because of the reoccurrence of my friend’s cancer.  O Lord, please ease her suffering and help to comfort Karen as she begins again to fight back against this cancer.  Restore her body to health so that she may continue to serve You.  Help to nourish her body and spirit if this be Your will.  Thank you Lord for blessing my life with her example of kindness to others and for her love of working with children.  I love you Lord Jesus and place into Your hands this suffering.  In Your Precious Name I Pray.  Amen

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The Blessing of Friends

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Dear Lord, You have given us the blessing of friends, people who lift our spirits and offer us strength throughout our days.  When a day is going bad, they can bring hope with a simple smile or hello.  It is a joy to share with them the happiness and trials of our earthly life.  May I always be kind when dealing with my friends, that I too may be a blessing in their lives as well.  Thank you Lord for giving us people who help to guide us during our life on this earth.  In Your precious Name I pray.  Amen

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Prayer for friends in need

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Dear Lord, I would like to focus my prayer on some friends who are in need.  Please give Scott strength to learn from a difficult day.  May he find blessings through the struggles he faced today.  My friend Kelly’s father was in the hospital today.  May he be restored in health and feeling better soon.  For my friends Heidi, Dave, Paul and my husband who are tiredlessly working on a project that will help not only ourselves but many other people.  Please help my brothers friend who is suffering from a reoccurrence of cancer.  Lord, thank you for the blessing of family and friends.  May we always take comfort in doing Your will.  In Your precious name I pray.  Amen

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