Posts tagged compassion

If you judge people, you have no time to love them

Mother Teresa

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  My precious Lord,  Mother Teresa is such a loving example, showing us how to look at a person at face value, without judgement, prejudice or even honor.  She was known for meeting someone and matching their need, whether it be health care, food or loneliness.  I remember reading about her life and finding a quote that she would say, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  Wow, I mean, shouldn’t I be loving others instead of judging them? Sometimes I am embarrassed by my lack of compassion and the time I waste judging others realizing this is not just my time that I am wasting, but your time, my Lord.  And for this, I am very sorry.  I want to be holy and in the imagine of You, doing good for others, showing compassion and meeting their need.  Thank You Father, for blessing us with the gift of Mother Teresa, a woman who lived such a holy life for You.  May I work towards holiness and love.  All glory be to You my God!  In Your precious name I pray.  Amen

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My Aunt is Dying

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  My dearest Lord Jesus,  Today my mom received a call that my Aunt Louise had fallen into a comatose state.  Upon seeing her this afternoon, my heart was terribly saddened.  The memories of her strength and joyousness flood my mind and it hurts so bad to see my family hurting and Aunt Louise suffering.  Please Lord, be at my Aunt’s side during her last hours on earth.  I know that we are not made to stay here on earth forever, and that she must return back home to you.  Help her pain, ease her suffering, help to purify her heart to be more like You.  My dear Lord, help my family during this time, ease their anxieties and let them feel as though they have been good children, sisters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews to Aunt Louise.  Guide us as a family to come closer to You and together help each other with compassion and love.  Please help her Lord. Bless her and give her peace.  Thank you for your never-ending love for us.  Her life has been a true blessing in my life.  Thank you for the gift of family.  May we all be together again someday in your heavenly kingdom.  All glory and honor are yours, Lord Jesus.  In Your precious name I pray. Amen

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Where is your home?

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Dear Lord,  As I go about my business of the day, I see people who are struggling to survive.  This is happening in America, the land of plenty.  Concerned with things that I have scheduled for the day, I ignore the suffering around me.  This embarrasses me, as it is not the example that you wish for me to lead.  It leads me to ask myself, where is my home?  Is it truly held close in Your heart?  Do I run towards the pain of others, or do I walk away?  Is my home with You, the Father, or is it set in material things of the world?    Yesterday, I found out that a very famous movie/television star in Malibu picks up the homeless, puts them in the front seat of his car, feeds them and then takes them where they are going.  This is love.  This is compassion.  I wish to learn from people who truly love in the moment like this, just like Mother Teresa did while on earth.  Let me look people in the eye and dig deep to their need through compassion, by taking the time to listen, and to realize that everyone is fighting a great battle inside.  Thank you Lord for all the wonderful blessings that I have.  Breathe in me Holy Spirit, to guide my heart to take action in Your will.  In Your Precious Name I Pray.  Amen

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Missing Them Still

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  My Dearest Heavenly Father,  I believe in You, in Your mercy, love, compassion and infinite wisdom.  I realize that I do not have the capacity to understand Your plan or even how or why I came to be.  Sometimes, this makes me feel very anxious and scared and just when I think I can’t handle what is happening in my life, You fill me up again with Your love.  I am not worthy of such the love that You give.  Thank you Father.  It has been years since the death of my Grandma Rose and a few since the death of Uncle Vince, yet my heart is still saddened with grief somedays.  I find myself feeling a terrible yearning inside of me wanting to hear their voice or see their face again.  On some days, I reminisce and think of the love they showed me throughout the years of my life.  Although Grandma and Uncle Vince lived next door to us when I was growing up, they were with us every day for dinner.  I miss the conversations, thoughts and support from them.  I miss how they were the big people in my life and had all the answers, now they are gone from my sight.  Please Lord, help me during this holiday season to feel their presence.  In my moments of insecurity, guide my heart by the words and confidence they gave to me while on earth.  In their eyes, I was precious and was kind, giving and loving.  Please Lord, let me be precious in Your eyes, slow to anger, quick to forgive.  Let me focus and enjoy my family that is still with me on earth like my husband, children, dad, mom, Aunt Nancy, my brother and all my family.  May the memory of Grandma and Uncle Vince be with me always.  Although I am missing them still, Your love carries me through.  Thank you, Lord Jesus for Your blessings and love.  In Your Precious Name I pray.  Amen

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