True Freedom

True FreedomDear Lord,

We misunderstand freedom believing that it is the ability to do whatever we want.  Help us always to remember that freedom, true freedom, is being able to do what we ought to do. 

That freedom, true freedom, is not indulging our every want and whim, but instead is the ability to rise above any desires that are wrong, disordered, dangerous or excessive.

Give us the grace always to remember that true freedom makes us the people you wish us to be, that true freedom brings us closer to you, and reshapes our world in the likeness of your kingdom.  Amen

Liturgical Publications Inc.

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It’s a blessing to be an American

Heavenly Father, Everyday of my life, I have woken up in the morning and realized that I could be anything I wanted to be because I am a citizen of the United States of America. Home of the free and the brave. A country first to give, and founded on the truth of Christ. My Lord, You are the true creator and the foundation of all nations. Thank you for allowing me to be a citizen of this great country. I ask that You will send the Holy Spirit to us and help this great nation to reflect on the premise in which America was founded on. Let us walk in your ways, speak of Your truth and bless others through the example of Your grace. Send forth Your Spirit to this country and make it a source of wisdom and strength, order and integrity throughout the world. Amen.

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Do Not Fear

Do not fear what may happen to you tomorrow.  The same Father who cares for you today, will care for you tomorrow and every other day.  Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.  Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.

~St. Francis de Sales

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Imigration and Justice

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirt. Today I am praying for a peaceful heart. Please Lord, keep me at even. Keep my family and friends safe. Help us all to be careful with our words, always focused on compassion and justice. Help me not to become outraged by the things I read and the fact that I might have a different opinion. Give me peace Lord, settle my heart. In Your precious name I pray. Amen

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Our Anniversary

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  I can’t believe that about 22 years ago I met the man of my dreams.  My Lord, You have blessed me with so many wonderful things in my life, I love my husband so much.  I ask that the Holy Spirit help me to always be loving to my husband, not selfish and to put him first.  He is my joy and helps me through difficult times.  He gives me strength through his love and patience, even when I do not deserve patience.  He is a strong protector, loving father and thoughtful husband.  His laughter brings me such happiness, and I love the years I have laughed with him thus far.  Help me Lord, to always remember that our relationship is a gift from You, never to be taken for granted, but continually full of kindness.  I love him so much that I do not want to be self-centered, or focus so much on things that worry me, that I forget him and how he is feeling.  Each day with him is a blessing.  I will treasure the time together that you have given to us.  Thank you God for Dave, the love of my life, the joy in my heart, my true companion forever.  In Your precious Name I pray.  Amen

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Obama, Beck, Hannity and Pelosi

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.  Heavenly Father, You gave each person born to this earth free will.  The ability to make our own decisions and choices in our lives in Your name.  You have also blessed some people like President Obama, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Nancy Pelosi with power and the ability to lead.  If someone who is blessed with power is not focused in prayer for You, they could lead the flock into a slaughter-house. 

Some leaders ask to lead, while others just end up leading because they will go where ever You send them and commit to doing Your will.  Lord, I pray for these leaders in America.  May they be focused on Your word, Your will and all that is good and right.  I pray they may search their souls and hearts and turn to You.  May they know that the power they have, makes them even more accountable to You.  May they never use this power to be self righteous, or to inflate their egos,  or personal agendas, but to focus on the primary basis of our American Constitution  and the words and thoughts of America’s founding fathers, that we are to obey Your will, be grateful for Your benefits and to humbly request Your protection and favor.

Thank you Lord for the blessing of people who are willing to defend our country, and work towards our best interests for You.  Thank you for all the blessings You have given America and the American people.  In Your precious Name I pray.  Amen

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Help Me Not to Worry

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Dear Lord, this morning I have been filled with worry and concern.  Worried about the future, my job, money and health. Worried about health care for my children and the debt they will deal with as adults.  Concerned about decisions that the government is making and how it will impact my family and this country. My heart is losing the American dream.  I am scared that my children will not be able to find work, or that their true dreams may not be a reality anymore.  This is all weighing heavy on my heart.  Ease my mind Lord, calm my heart.  Let the Holy Spirit move in me to focus on things that matter, such as Your Will.  May I not be side tracked by things of the earth, but focused on helping others and spreading love to my family and all I meet.   Help me to stay focused on the things that I can control like praying for my family, praying for children and the unborn.   Cutting back on things that I don’t need, and saving for those who do.  I pray that my friends who’s spouses have lost their jobs may find a way to survive and work through the pain and struggle. 

Thank you for the blessings that I receive everyday.  I am very blessed with the love of family and life.  All the Glory and honor are Yours my Lord.  Thank you for loving me in times of fear and doubt.  Amen.

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An Irish Blessing

An Irish BlessingSpeak to people.  There is nothing so nice as a cheerful word of greeting.  Smile at people.  It takes 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile.  Call people by name.  The sweetest music to anyone’s ears is the sound of their own name.

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Keeping the Faith

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  As I rise today, this is all I pray that I will be pleasing to you in all I do and say.  I want to live your way.  I bind myself God’s power to guide me, God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to teach me, God’s eye to watch over me, God’s ear to hear me, God’s word to give me speech, God’s hand to guide me, God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to shelter me, God’s host to secure me. Amen

From St. Patrick’s Lorica

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If you judge people, you have no time to love them

Mother Teresa

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  My precious Lord,  Mother Teresa is such a loving example, showing us how to look at a person at face value, without judgement, prejudice or even honor.  She was known for meeting someone and matching their need, whether it be health care, food or loneliness.  I remember reading about her life and finding a quote that she would say, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  Wow, I mean, shouldn’t I be loving others instead of judging them? Sometimes I am embarrassed by my lack of compassion and the time I waste judging others realizing this is not just my time that I am wasting, but your time, my Lord.  And for this, I am very sorry.  I want to be holy and in the imagine of You, doing good for others, showing compassion and meeting their need.  Thank You Father, for blessing us with the gift of Mother Teresa, a woman who lived such a holy life for You.  May I work towards holiness and love.  All glory be to You my God!  In Your precious name I pray.  Amen

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