Archive for Prayer's for the homeless

Where is your home?

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Dear Lord,  As I go about my business of the day, I see people who are struggling to survive.  This is happening in America, the land of plenty.  Concerned with things that I have scheduled for the day, I ignore the suffering around me.  This embarrasses me, as it is not the example that you wish for me to lead.  It leads me to ask myself, where is my home?  Is it truly held close in Your heart?  Do I run towards the pain of others, or do I walk away?  Is my home with You, the Father, or is it set in material things of the world?    Yesterday, I found out that a very famous movie/television star in Malibu picks up the homeless, puts them in the front seat of his car, feeds them and then takes them where they are going.  This is love.  This is compassion.  I wish to learn from people who truly love in the moment like this, just like Mother Teresa did while on earth.  Let me look people in the eye and dig deep to their need through compassion, by taking the time to listen, and to realize that everyone is fighting a great battle inside.  Thank you Lord for all the wonderful blessings that I have.  Breathe in me Holy Spirit, to guide my heart to take action in Your will.  In Your Precious Name I Pray.  Amen

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