Archive for Prayer's for politicians

Obama, Beck, Hannity and Pelosi

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.  Heavenly Father, You gave each person born to this earth free will.  The ability to make our own decisions and choices in our lives in Your name.  You have also blessed some people like President Obama, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Nancy Pelosi with power and the ability to lead.  If someone who is blessed with power is not focused in prayer for You, they could lead the flock into a slaughter-house. 

Some leaders ask to lead, while others just end up leading because they will go where ever You send them and commit to doing Your will.  Lord, I pray for these leaders in America.  May they be focused on Your word, Your will and all that is good and right.  I pray they may search their souls and hearts and turn to You.  May they know that the power they have, makes them even more accountable to You.  May they never use this power to be self righteous, or to inflate their egos,  or personal agendas, but to focus on the primary basis of our American Constitution  and the words and thoughts of America’s founding fathers, that we are to obey Your will, be grateful for Your benefits and to humbly request Your protection and favor.

Thank you Lord for the blessing of people who are willing to defend our country, and work towards our best interests for You.  Thank you for all the blessings You have given America and the American people.  In Your precious Name I pray.  Amen

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Prayer for Justice

In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Dear Jesus, today I feel that justice is not being done in our country, and this is of grave concern to me.  After 9/11, many people were shaken by the fact that we in America were no longer safe.  I know that you believe in justice, and protection of human dignity, and I am very worried that justice will not be served for the people involved in 9/11.  Please Lord, give me the grace to understand that you are the ultimate judge and jury and that you will make right all the wrongs that have been done by people in high political positions.  I pray that these politicians will make decisions that follow Your will and not there own.  May they pray for all things that You desire and may the focus always be on you.  In Your precious name I pray. Amen

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