How do I do this?

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 

My Dearest Lord, 

Boston Terrier

The Best Dog Ever!

This weekend has been extremely difficult for our family with the loss of our dog of 10 1/2 years.  Mr. V was a great dog, and brought much joy and love into our household.  So now I ask, how do I do this?  How do I help my children and family move through this loss? My Lord, he was a gift given by You, and we are ever grateful for opportunity to have cared for one of Your many wonderful earthly creatures.  I now ask for Your love and blessings to shine upon our family as we adjust to the changes that will now occur in our home and our lives.  Please help our children through this grief which will hopefully help to prepare them for death of family members in the future.  Help them through this struggle and give us wisdom as parents to know what to say as it brings up questions about death.  In Your precious Name I pray. Amen.

Mr. V will be greatly missed in our home and in our lives.  Thanks Gagooz for bringing such joy and laughter to our children and family these past years.  May you rest in peace.

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